So what's this FURther Insight anyways?

Well, FURther Insight is a project that came to me, when I was searching for interesting furry-related podcasts, and I realized there ain't too many of those out there.

So what do you do, when what you want, isn't around? You create it, of course! And that's the short and simple story of how FURther Insight came to be.

You're probably asking - Isn't there more to it? And sure, there is!

At first, I was wondering what it should all be about. Music and artwork is already well and truly covered by sites like FurAffinity and the likes. Fursuiting was another option, but again - The fursuit-makers out there, are damn good at their own publicity!

But what I thought there was a lack of, was interesting stories. Not in the shape of short novels or fantasy epics - Furries can do that too! And do it well. But rather in the form of stories about furries.

What drives the furries that everyone knows and loves?
Why are they furries? What made them come into it?

These - And many more questions - Is what I seek to answer with this podcast.

- Khain